Watch out for that turd!

Present: @Yosemite, @Finkle, @Scrapple, @Norm

FNGs: none

Warm Up: Mosey around sports complex, at each corner we did a warm up exercise.  corner 1 – SSH, corner 2 – imperial walkers, corner 3 – daisy pickers, corner 4 – Frankensteins
The Workout:

Event 1: a trip to the rock pile…

With rocks we did overhead press, triceps extensions, rut rows, and colt 45’s all in a 10 count.  Then we moved one spot to the left R/R with a partners rock for a total of 4 times.

Event 2: Watch out for that turd.

Mosey to the tennis court

On the way we saw someone took a huge dump in the parking lot.

In decreasing sets of 5 we did CAKES  20, 15, 10, 5

Crab cakes



E2K’s (oblique crunch with leg crossed.

To give ourselves a break between sets we did suicides on the tennis court and squats.

10 counts of LBC’s, Low slow flutter, American Hammers, X’s & O’s
Announcements: none
T-Claps (Recognition): none
Prayer: can’t remember now