TBD Rock Slide Suicides

FNGs: Welcome Hollywood!
Warm Up: 20 SSH, 20 Seal claps, 20 Imperial Walkers, 20 Hillbillies, 20 Overhead claps, 20 SSH
The Workout:  RSS trial and error

Had been planning this workout for awhile but when YHC tried it on his own. some tweaks were needed.  So today was the day to refine this workout.

Mosey to the rockpile, select a good push rock was suggested by YHC.  John Cusack to the lot behind the fields where there are actually lights.

Push/slide the rock 6 parking spaces

20 Curls for the girls

6 more parking spaces

20 Curls for the girls

15 tricep extentions

6 more parking spaces

repeat + 20 sumo squats

6 more parking spaces

Repeat + 10 overhead presses

push the rock all the way back!

Round 2

Same as above except all excercises became 20 reps and added that you had to run back to starting line and back to rock after you got the rock to each parking spot destination.  Feeling tired and maybe a little Christmas spirit elimenated rock push back to starting line.

John Cusack back to rock pile.  Fellowship run around the soccer field and headed to Mary.

Mary:  20x box cutters and time was up
Announcements:  check slack
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer:  praise for Bondo’s son in law recovering nicely, prayers for Fanny Pack and 187 M’s.