Ground’n and Pound’n
FNGs: None
10 HIMs posted to GP on a perfect morning. YHC brought the music box & a basketball. Mumblechatter was per the usual – the best in Southwake.
Warm Up: 10x3cts of: Good Mornings, Willie Maze Hays, Daisy Pickers, 20 Sir Fazio Arm Circles, 20x3ct SSH, Arm stretches, Pigeon Pose
The Workout
Circle of Rock: Mosey to the Rock Pile pick your rock and don’t share it
2 sets of 10x3ct of each exercise: Rut Rows, Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tricep Press, Ground Pounders, Bus Drivers,
4 sets of Standard Press, 10x3ct: Windshield Wipers, Box Cutters, 30 ct 6 inches, Plank Rock Spanks, Single Arm Merkins, 10×3 ct Rock Homer to Marge
Heavy Hoops:
Each PAX rotated between taking shots and exercises: shoot from 3 designated areas. 2 free throw attempts at each location followed by 1 attempt at a layup. Miss all 3 shots and add a 2 Burpee penalty.
Rest of PAX perform exercises till cycle completed (ie 1 shot is made from each of the 3 areas).
SSH, Standard Plank Hold, Supermans, Plank Jacks, Lunges, High Knees, American Hammers, Squats, Squat Hold, Shoulder Tap Merkins, Boat Canoes, LBCs, Split Jacks, WWIIs, Hillbillies
Burpees OYO for all PAX
Mosey to the Wall of Pain
10x3ct Aussie Ass Smackers, 15 ct Ascending Testicles; 20x3ct Moroccan style Peoples Chair, 30 ct BTW, 20x3ct Al Gore style People’s Chair.
Announcements: Ted Talk w/ Bacon on 12/15, F3 Christmas Party
Prayer Requests: Military and 1st responders, Breach’s sister and mom w/ COVID, Fanny Pack’s M, Courtney, is having surgery Dec 21, COVID victims