Need Help Getting It Up There?
A cold morning on the yard featuring various coupons from YHC and the PAX. YHC identified one coupon in particular that PAX may need assistance of teamwork. Directions were, Help each other get it up if needed.” Many comments followed as expected. A great day on the Yard!
FNG’s: no
Warm Up: Mosey to the back of clubhouse where 5 cones were placed. All PAX do SSH AMRAP while each Pax goes to each cone for a burpee and continues the run to the end and finish with SSH. Next round Repeato back down the cones stopping at each cone for a squat jump. PAX at ends would do Arm Circles. Repeato once more and PAX at ends would do Hillbillies. Finished with 25 IC Mountain Climbers.
The Workout: Workout was a 1:15 Tabata with 15 second rest at each station. Stations were: heavy bag drag, Tire Flip with tire merkin, dumbbell thrusters, kettlebell deadlift, kettlebell halos, bench press with the 75 lb. piece of railroad ( I provided the heavy bag bench today… luxury item on the Yard), kettlebell Swings, and Bag O Wrenches Curl. PAX got through about 3 rotations of each.
Mary: Back to the cones. 25 LSF IC, bear crawl to next cone, 15 WW1’s, bear crawl to next cone, 25 Dying Cockroach, bear crawl to next cone, 15 LBC IC.
Announcements: CSAUP Ruck style on Dec. 5th, CSAUP Beer Style on Dec. 12th.
T-Claps (Recognition): The Pax for helping YHC get the gear back to the car.
Prayer: My M Courtney, surgery on Dec. 20th. Sprinkler co-worker and his loss of his mother. YHC took us out.