I assume everyone is running on the treadmill today

We’ll keep an eye out on Strava throughout the day to ensure all of you are getting the miles and training this week because very few Pax posted at Tiger Blood, DIsney, and Kenny’s Grave. Kudos to all those that got out this morning. PRs don’t make themselves.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Leg Swings, about 1 mile warmup run to the location
The Workout: Hill Repeats on the big hill on Crossway and Mt. Killman Springs.
1. 3 runs at half marathon effort up to the first stop sign partway up the hill. Recover back down.
2. 2 runs at half marathon effort the whole way the big hill
3. 1 run up the big hill and then down Mt. Killman Springs at half marathon effort
4. Two runs up Mt. Killman Springs
5. 2 runs down the the big hill at 10K effort, Recover up the hill
6. 3 runs at 10k effort from the stop sign down to the bottoms
7. Mosey back to the school.

Mary: Stretching OYO. Then it started to pour.
Announcements: You know ’em. They are all on slack.
T-Claps (Recognition): Fumunga for having a working alarm clock or being better than the fartsack
Prayer: Take time to be Thankful