There’s sidewalk, there’s sidewalk not, there’s sidewalk, there’s sidewalk not…
Can you believe that with everything going on in the world right now the most “heated” debate this morning was whether or not a certain section of Judd parkway had sidewalks? Almost refreshing, actually.
YHC looked at the Q Sheet this morning and noticed that no one had signed up to Q this morning. Crap. I really should be a better site Q it would seem. No time to really plan anything this morning so it was a make it up on the fly kind of day
Warm Up:
SSH x20 IC
Daisy Picker x10 IC
Windmill x10 IC
Imperial Walker x10 IC
Hillbillies x10 IC
The Workout:
Mosey down to the concession stand area and grabbed a piece of the knee wall for two sets of:
Step ups x20 IC
Irkins x10
Dips x10
Dirkins x10
Afterwards we grabbed some wall on the building. We did People’s Chair and Balls to the Wall with each PAX giving a 20 count during the first go round and a 15 count the second time though. Afterwards we headed over to the little hill between the fields for 11s. We did squats at the bottom and star jumps at the top.
Once done with that we moseyed back up to the tennis courts for a round of what I’m now calling Crab Boils. Starting at the side line of one of the tennis courts we crab walked to the same line on the next court over where we did 10 Crab Cakes IC. We crab walked to the next court where we did 10 Crab Humpers IC and finally crab walked to the next court to do 10 Crab Jacks IC. We took a bit of a rest at the end. A rest in the form of Jack Webbs. 1 merkin and 4 air presses progressing up to 10 merkins and 40 air presses.
After that we did a Crab Boil back across the courts until we got back to where we started. Our rest on this side was Batwings. We were supposed to do 20 IC reps of forward arm circles, reverse arm circles, seal claps, and overhead claps but YHC’s shoulders were on fire (based on the smoke coming off of them) so we audibled half way through to only do 10 reps of seal claps and overhead claps.
One more time across the courts, this time starting off with a lunge walk to the next court, 10 squats, duck walk to the next court, reverse lunges, broad jumps to the next court, forward lunges, and frog jumps to the fence. At that point it was finally time for…
LBC circuit to start. 10x IC each of regular LBC, reverse LBC, knees to the left, and then knees to the right
American Hammer x10 IC
Pickle Pounders x10 IC
Box cutters x10 IC
Reverse box cutters x10 IC
Holly Springs Half coming up on 11/14. Looking for volunteers to man aid stations and also for a sweeper. Check Slack for details or reach out to Pikachu.
Frosty CSAUP being held in FV this year and will be a ruck style event, moving between most of the AOs in the Quay (sorry Sheepdog). More details to come, reach out to Breach if you impatient.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Great to see Kubota out in the morning again!
187 and Fanny Pack’s M’s both dealing with things.
Kubota has a 2nd interview today for a position that, if goes well, could end up with an offer before the end of the day
It was a beautiful morning this morning and I was glad to be able to spend it with such fine men. I hope everyone had an equally great morning regardless of whether you slept in or visited one of the lesser Wednesday morning AOs.