Up and Down

PAX: Pumpkin Spice, Chaps, OJ, Lucky Charms, Snap

This was YHC’s first time being the Q at a kettlebell workout.  I think I succeeded at wearing everyone out and we all came out stronger.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey around the block, SSH, windmills, Fazio arm circles, Michael Phelps, maybe a few others

The Workout:

Modified DORA (don’t even know why we’d call it a DORA at this point) – After a lecture on perfect form and making easy things hard, we shared 100 curls for the girls, 100 tricep extensions, and 100 LBCs with a twist with our kettlebells, switching back and forth while our partners ran the stairs.

30-20-10 ladder – We moved out to the parking lot hoping for some more air circulation (didn’t really help) fora set of 30 Pullover WW2s, 30 plank rows, and 30 clean and press.  We followed that with a set of 20 of each, and then a set of 10 each.

Tabata – 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off off of Wonderbras (we threw in an extra 45 degree angle), sumo squats, kettlebell swings, and Midget love handles.  Made it through 2 total sets.

Mary: With 2 minutes or so left, we held a plank for until 6:15 mixing it up with some shoulder taps and pickle pounders.

Announcements: Mulching and the Derek Davis Memorial Run in 2 weeks.

Prayer: Pumpkin Spice has been working with a young man that recently moved out and has his own place now, prayers for him and all the other crazy things going on in our country.