Big Red or Little Pink?
YHC had pre-blasted that we’d possibly be grabbing some fresh air and that running was mostly off the table. That’s good because Chaps had reached out mentioning he was bringing an FNG, and like with all FNG’s we wanted him to come back! So running was mostly off the table except for Lucky Charms who did laps between all his sets…instead of just after the stacks. The rest of us ran minimally.
EC: YHC and Dahmer had some solid mumblechatter along the way!
FNG’s: Welcome Lil’ Teet! More on that later…
Warm Up: SSH x 30, Good Mornings, Imperial Walker’s, Hillbillies, Sir Fazio’s F/R, and Frankenstein’s
The Workout: Un-stacking and re-stacking 4 exercises in rounds. Round 1: Goblet Squat, Bell Merkin, Midget Cookie Pouch, Swings. Do all exercises in sequence for 20 reps, then 15 reps, then 10 reps. Run a lap. Round 2: Same procedure, but exercises change to Thrusters, Lunge with rotation, Lawnmower rows, and on your six pullovers. Unstack the reps and run a lap. Round 3: Repeato the procedure but exercises change to Figure 8’s, Halos, Boobity-Boobity’s, and Midget Love Handles. Run a lap. Basically, all pax got through three rounds and started re-stacking or almost completed round 4, which was to build up (10-15-20 reps) where we left off. I think Lucky almost got back to the first set…beast!
Mary: 20 Midget Cookie Pouches, 20 LSF’s with the Bell, Pickle Pounders, and plank hold for all pax 10 count. Have a nice day! So in naming our FNG, we ran into a bit of a SNAFU. He stated his hospital name, age, and said “Big Red”! Man…that would’ve been a good name, but there is no naming yourself at F3. Lucky promptly said, “hey, what about Little Pink!” That would’ve been good too. But turns out, at some point in FNG’s life…he got to be a Chick Fil-A cow on a college campus and watched alot of hotties as he said walk around but he couldn’t schmooze with them. YHC offered the name “Hard-On” to alot of laughs. But in the end…Big = No, Cow = Teet, Lil’ = Not Big = Lil’ Teet!
Announcements: Mulching continues, sign up for the Derek Davis Memorial 5K to be run together on August 20th at Tiger Blood. Check the Slack!
T-Claps (Recognition): Good work Lil’ Teet…keep coming back. Good job on the EH Chaps!
Prayer: Our community, military, first responders, our nation for unity, our teachers for sanity. Pumpkin Spice and family continue to support a young man who’s in a tough spot and needs guidance. Honored to lead!