Filter or Cowboy Style?
The air was thick down in the Teeter bowl this morning. Cigarette butts were abundant among the parking spaces that were used just about all through the workout. Mumblechatter surrounded cigarette style preference, proper exercise form, slow bear crawlers, and the size of sweat stains. “Hey, can get that last drag?” “You got menthol filter over there?” “Nah, this ones cowboy style.” “ How many merkins on these burpees?” These were only a few of the mumblechatter examples as we moved constantly throughout today’s AO.
EC: YHC, 187, and Aquaman. Why did we take the Wescott hill route.
FNG’s: None, but Bullseye is officially an FNG behind the wheel with his permit now!
Warm Up: Mosey around the lot a bit stopping for Good Mornings, Sir Fazio’s, Squatted Seal And Overhead Claps, Frankenstein’s, and Imperial Walkers.
The Workout: Bear Crawlers Choice as we laid down some tracks along the parking spaces. Each pax in a parking spot. First pax calls an AMRAP exercise and bear crawls to the end. Continued this procedure for the whole workout. The only break in action was when we hit an island, we all jailbreaked to the end of the lot, moseyed back to our spots and continued. Did this twice. Lunge walked back the second time. All kinds of exercises were called. Merkins, Irkins, dirkins, dry dicks, squats, lunges, pistol squats (ouch!), Shoulder Taps, WW1s and 2’s, Pickle Pounders, H2M, LBC, LSF, Guantanamo’s, burpees, Star Jumps, absolutions, Peter Parker’s, Box Cutters, Boat Canoes, American Hammers, mountain climbers, Freddie Mercury’s, wine mixers, plank holds, side planks, and several more. The pax altogether called out a solid workout!
Mary: During the Thang.
Announcements: Mix it up, get to other AO’s this week. Mulch continues. Q Swap at the end of August.
T-Claps (Recognition): Lots of sweat stains on the lot this morning. Great work HIM’s!
Prayer: Military, first responders, teachers to have peace and service during uncertain times.
I discovered today we could not do this routine all the way to the end of the lot. We got about 2/3. Thanks brothers for helping me learn new things each time I Q. Honored to lead.