Oh great :/

EC: Emeril, Dawgpound, Cupid, 187, Skidmark

YHC has three favorite exercises: The first is the merkin clock. We would not see that today, that comes out on special occasions. The second is the two man catch me if you can Indian Run. We commonly see that at Paradise City but not today. My third is the three man Indian Run. It is typically higher tempo with slight variations to pace. You really get a race feel when doing it. Start out fast, then run faster. I also like to make the three man indian run random grouping, it get’s people out of their comfort zone.

YHC promised no warm-up and to be ready at 0530. At 0529 it looked we had the final group there so we counted off in 4’s. A moan overtook the group as guys imagined what was about to happen. Some may have prayed for a good group of like paced Pax, then cursed the devil when the groups were established.

Group 1: Pablo, McNugget, Cupid
Group 2: Snap, Bondo, 16-bit
Group 3: Emeril, Katniss, Lucky Charms
Group 4: 187, Dawgpound, Skidmark

FNGs: none
Warm Up: none
The Workout: Three man Indian Run as promised with the group heading out on the Paradise City EC route. At the top of the first Bridgewater Hill stopped for 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 LBC’s. Continue three man Indian Run to the top of the next Bridgewater Hill for 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 LBCs. Three man Indian Run to fence at the bottom of the hill. Pax would be doing 11s back up this side of the Bridgewater hill.

Pax would run a three man Indian Run up the hill and complete Peter Parker Merkins. Then jail break down the hill for reverse lunges (L/R = 1). After a few loops Q audibled to only going up the hill halfway. At some point Dawgpound traded himself to Group 2 for Snap.

Whole group Indian Run to the top of bridgewater hill for 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 LBC’s. Continue 12 man Indian Run to the corner of Main St. then jail break back to the basketball courts.

Mary: Yoga stretching
Announcements: Mulch, Scramble week
T-Claps (Recognition): Cupid finishing his master’s.
Prayer: Piper (Bondo’s granddaughter), McKeon family