Have you lost your mind?

Today was my first Q as AO Site Lead for Disney. It’s an honor to take this location over. It’s got a long history of beat downs and just the space you have to work with is unmatched to any other AO in SW. Overhearing conversations last week, and picking up from my last Q here that was character themed, I listened to Dawg talking about the street artists at the Park… Let’s see what we can do with that…

Warm Up: Quick Mosey, Good Morning, SSH, Frankenstein, Sir Fazio, Overhead Claps, Seal Claps. Let’s go.
The Workout:

1st Stop: The Bowl – Q split the PAX down the middle and groups were instructed to up one side 5 merkins, down and up the other 5 merkins – That’s 1.  Continue to 5 for a total of 50 Merkins.

Regroup and form 1 line for Bataan Death March. (Those unfamiliar – Leader sprints out from line, runs to back, as he passes the line the next person up sprints out, and so on and so on..) Continued to the large lot at the School. As we made our way through the lot, Q called out corner locations as landmarks.

2nd Stop: Circle in front of the school. Count off by 2’s.

Group 1 – Plank walk around the circle curb; Group 2 – 3 corners as a group in the parking lot – Counterclockwise. Corner 1 10 Star Jumps, Corner 2 10 Squats, Corner 3 10 Plank Jacks IC.

Switch & Repeat following clockwise

Group Moved to adjacent circle’s curb – Crab walk around the circle – 3 moves, 3 baby-dips. Group 2 Back around the parking lot again for same exercises above. This is where shit hit the fan…. Everyone started complaining and I thought my plans would go off the rails… (Note to first-time Q’s. When people start bitching you usually have a stellar thang going…. Work through it… Press on…) Both groups did some level of modification and some picked up on my plans and supported with a mosey around the circle!

I tried, Hidden Mickey!


Enough of that. Mosey back to the flag


Mary: WWI x20, LBC x20 IC, 6 inch hold 10 counts (x3), LSF IC x20, HND.
T-Claps (Recognition): Flo-Jo. Dude powered through the first traffic circle. I think he was the only one to make it all the way around with no break!
Prayer: YHC took us out