A Proper Backblast

10 Pax presented themselves this fine morning to exercise the mind, body, and spirit. Joyful comradery and scholarly conversation was abundant this morning as Pax navigated along the route honoring Ursa Major. Members of the organization supported and encouraged each other the route. The conversations, while scholarly and thought provoking, also allowed for debate. We concluded with a trust circle that gave gentlemen the opportunity to share their feelings in safe and secure place empowered by fellow men. We enjoyed tea at Starbucks at the conclusion.

EC: Emeril, Banana Seat, Cupid, Full House, Pikachu, Skidmark

FNGs: Unfortunately no
Warm-up: Calisthenics: Mountain People, Regal Wayfarers, Appendage circles, Mountain ascenders
The Workout: Ursa Major 5.2 miles
Mary: Yoga
Announcements: Rune
T-Claps (Recognition): Full House just pushing through
Prayer: McKeon family, Full House’s wife’s uncle, Martini’s mom