Loud and Proud (QIC Yogi)

FNGs: David cross country runner who is ready to slay opponents.  Yogi inspired “David” to look opponents in the eye and consider cutting off their head with their own sword.  Ok, this would not be PC today, so maybe just remember where David got his strength.

PAX: Yogi, David, GoGurt, Yogurt, DaBuisness, Florence, Katniss, Double D

Warm Up:  Like clockwork, Flo Jo rolled in right on time at 5:30 sharp.  Yogi, relying on DD’s watch insisted Flo Jo was Late (I believe both Yogi and DD have old school wrist sun dials which are not accurate at this time of the day).  Hello 10 burpees.  Yogi then looked around the circle, pondering the mission of F3.  He called on SloJO.  Stumped Flo Jo took credit for an addition 20 burpees.  Yogi’s pursuit of the F3 mission and its core principals, along with mis-naming Flo Jo (SloJo, MoJo, GoJo, backhoe, etc.) significantly delayed our start of the actual workout.  Note that we are not here to save the whales or hug the trees (pay attention DD and DaBusiness).  This discussion was our warm up.  All kidding aside, Yogi was making a point and it’s an important one.  You should know the true mission and purpose of F3, we are all apart of it

The Workout:  Yogi had walked off 50 yards in the parking lot.  Then he pulls out a deck of cards and demonstrates his shuffling ability with gloves on (granted they were fingerless gloves).  Yogurt was certain it would end at a game of 52 pick-up.  But no, Yogi divided the deck and placed a stack at each end of the 50 yards.  At each end, one PAX flipped a card.  We did reps based on the face value and exercises as follows:

Hearts = burpees

Diamonds = diamond Merkins

Clubs = WWII’s

Spades = Squats

For the next 35 minutes we ran back and forth.  Many threw down the glove, challenging others to sprint.  Let me tell you, “David” and Go-Gurt are fast!

DaBusiness, who loves burpees, flipped only high hearts from the deck.  No two’s or three’s from him; all business!

Mary:  She didn’t show up.  Pretty sure she was calling the cops about all the noise coming from Womble.
Announcements:  Forceps’ family service Saturday
T-Claps (Recognition):  Yogurt for sending me “notes”  It was the entire backblast!
Prayer:  Forceps and family, Yogi’s kids to come to know God in their life,  12 yr old Alex (bone marrow), Hardy (Bible competition – like Jeopardy)