First Appearance of the Steel Mace

Snow came the day before. Still 10 men braved the chilly weather to come see the steel mace!!

FNGs: Nope
Warm Up:
Quick lap to warmup
Circled up for the following
Good Mornings
Fazio Arm Circles
Leg Swings both directions both legs
The Workout:
Counted off by three. We had four stations, but I wanted groups of three since there were three Pax present that had already did a steel mace workout. They should be the Shepard for the steel mace. The goal was to keep the legs fresh for tomorrow’s long ass run.

3 complete circuits. Each Station was 2 minutes and 15 seconds. Each pax did 5 to 10 reps each exercise. After completion keep on going till the timer sounds.

Station 1:
Stairs — Run them or carry a bell. Just get up and down them.

Station 2:
Push up On the Bell
Push Press
Chest to Chest in bridge

Station 3:
Battle Rope and Core
Battle Rope
Midget Love Handles
Midget Getups
Midget Cookie Pouches

Station 4:
Steel Mace
Upper Cut
Bent Over Rows
Side Paddle Overhead (No lunge)
Ballistic Curl


Circled up for some stretching:

Leg across and open up the hips. Like getting in a pigeon pose but keep the leg straight
Runners pose and open up the hip
Runners pose concentration on going deeper
Fire Hydrant Circles
Fire Hydrant Kicks


ATT run tomorrow

T-Claps (Recognition):

Wallaby as he comes home from Rehab
Forceps and his family
John, Deadbolt’s friend that is battling cancer