It’s the return…
Dauber asked on Sunday if I could fill in for him at Red October on Monday because he was under the weather. Not having Q’d a kettle bell workout before I promptly went and scoured Crazy Ivan back blasts in order to come up with a workout. 20 minutes later I had a winkie created and was ready to roll for the morning. Pre-blast went out and then I noticed that Mutiny was doing ultimate frisbee in the morning, which we usually converge one. Confirmation from Dauber meant my time creating the workout was for not. Or was it? I was already signed up to Q Possum Trot so maybe I could make it work on Wednesday morning, using rocks instead of kettle bells.
Arriving at the park, still unsure what I was going to do, I made up my mind to scrap the original plan and come up with something else. I’ve tried using a rock in place of a bell before and it just isn’t the same. Trying to do kettle bell swings while not throwing the rock in someone else’s face is a work out all in itself. Alas, at least I have a workout pre-built for when I eventually Q Red October (no, Dauber, this is not me signing up for anything).
FNGs: Not today
Warm Up:
Quick lap around the tennis courts. As we made our way towards the entrance a car was pulling in. Audible groans and complaints of burpess arose from the HIM in attendance but ulitmately it was someone who was lost or had other business to attend to in their car because they turned around and left a minute or two later.
Circled up for the following:
SSH x20 IC
Windmills x10 IC
Sprinklers x10 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x20 IC (10 forward, 10 reverse)
The Workout:
We made our way to the rock pile and then moseyed to the big hill. YHC remembered his VQ where we did 11s with rocks and figured that could work here. We started with 10 Turkish get-ups with the rocks at the bottom, then carry your rock up the hill, put it in your lap and do 1 tricep dip. Run back down and you know the rest. PAX were silent, which usually means they’re working hard, which is good.
Afterwards we divided in two two groups. The first group did 20 Curls for the Girls IC while the other group did American Hammers with their rocks. When the first group finished we traded places. After one set we returned our rocks and made our way to the wall inside the tennis courts.
YHC had PAX group up near one end of the wall. The task was simple, PAX would hold BTTW at about a 45 degree angle while one PAX bear crawled underneath. When he reached the end he got up in BTTW and the next dude went. We got through two cycles of this before running out of wall. I had the idea to do wall sits on the way back but everyone was pretty convinced that there was no way we were fitting under each other, which was probably a good call. I audibled to broad jumps over planking PAX back down the wall. This seemed to work for everyone but Sprinkler who took exception to the apparent downward dog that Modify was doing. Kicks to the ribs were expected in retaliation to the calling out but Modify is a good dude and inflicted no bodily harm.
We circled up for the following:
Homer to Marge x15 IC
Pickle Pounders x15 IC
Sleeping Hillbillies x10 IC (each side)
Breach’s Travis Manion fundraiser at Bombshell on Friday night. 6p – 9p I believe. Check with him to be sure
Fram’s wife and baby. Induction is scheduled for next week but the baby could always come sooner. They’re both very anxious to meet her.
FedEx’s podiatrist appointment as well as him getting outside of his comfort zone and volunteering to be a prom date to special needs kids