3 Year Mixed Bag
Drove in to see Pablo doing a solo EC run before the workout, nicely done!
FNGs: Nope
3 Years ago on this day, Tonka picked me up and treated me to a workout Q’d by none other than Midget at Disney. It sucked. I did every rep of the first set and was quite proud of myself, until I realized we were 10 minutes in to a 45 minute workout and I was quite done. Sometime in the next 15 minutes as we were doing repeats on the stairs, Midget tapped me on the shoulder and told me to just wait at the top for everyone. I think he was afraid I was going to fall out and hurt myself going up/down the stairs. I also think he was right to be afraid of that.
It’s been a great 3 years. One of my fond memories was training for my first HSHM. That year, we did hill repeats & track workouts on alternating Wednesdays (“Speed Racer” was the AO) led by Pilgrim, Bernie, and Wrangler. As a little homage, I brought out one of those workouts for this morning.
The Workout:
There was a lot going on this morning. The Fritter Goobers + POTS went on a Ruck. Not sure how far they went. At some point they stopped for refreshments. I’ll let them tell that story.
Double D was hoping for just miles, so Mookie mapped out a nice 4-5 mile route for him and he took off solo.
Forceps missed his alarm, but made it for COT & 2ndF 🙂
The rest of us did hill repeats on Stinson. Starting at the bottom of the hill stop sign:
- Run hard to Ivan parking lot; recover back to stop sign
- Run hard to Cletus parking lot; recover back to stop sign
- Run hard to Grigsby stop sign; recover back
- Hard to Grigsby; recover
- Hard to Cletus; recover
- Hard to Ivan; recover
If you did the whole thing, it was right at 6 miles.
Mary: Pfft
Awesome COT after the run. One of the best I’ve ever been at. Too often it’s just “name / age / f3 name; quick announcement; let’s go”. This morning we actually talked a bit about what we’re doing and why. I really appreciated the time.
T-Claps (Recognition): Oboe was a man on a mission this morning. Awesome job beating down those hills.
Prayer: Running the hills made me think of a Pax I haven’t seen in a long time who used to be out there for these workouts — Princess Cut. I know life hit him pretty hard for a while. I wasn’t close enough with him to be there to help, but I know I miss him out in the gloom. It made me appreciate what we’re doing with the Shield Lock even more.
Thanks for a great 3 years men, looking forward to the next 3.