F3 365

2019 was the first year that YHC has tracked workouts consisently. Early in the year the goal was F3 250 (250 workouts throughout the year – half marathons count as 1, marathons count as 2, 4+ hour CSAUPs count as 4, black ops runs with F3 brothers also count, nothing else does though) but fairly early on I gave myself an additional stretch goal of F3 365. I’m fortunate enough to have lots of time to work out based on where I’m at in life, and double downs could be a freuent occurence on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. The only concern was work travel – a long trip to Europe in the spring put me behind early and I didn’t really catch back up until sometime over the summer. It was in the fall that I became confident that I would hit the goal, but I didn’t actually verbalize it to anyone outside of my M until sometime in the past week.

It made for a heck of a year. The biggest thing I’ll say is that we have a ton of amazing pax down here in South Wake – if you’re one of them then thank you for an awesome year. If you haven’t been out to some of the more niche AOs (looking at you Tea Time, Thunder, and Ground Pounder) then I would highly recommend it – not all of the fun happens at 0530 on a weekday morning!

I don’t know what my goals will be for 2020, but I know that repeating this will not be one of them. I’m sure I’ll come up with something stupid though.

Based on all of that – I elected to Q Cletus knowing that I would be really close to 365 (ended up being 364 because of a fart sack at Paradise City that I got so excellently called out for) but we were still committed to 365 reps for the workout.

FNGs: None today
Warm Up:

SSH x10

Half lap over to old Ivan lot

The Workout:

Rep count = 10


Four corners on soccer field


At each corner – 5x double merkin burpees

10x Turkish getups

10x Breakdancers

10x Star jumps

When passing pull-up bars – 10x pull ups


After lap 1 rep count = 160


Between laps we did 10x IC balls to the wall at the amphitheater. We also modified the 2nd lap swapping out star jumps for merkins for the sake of Shamwow’s ankle.


After 2nd lap rep count = 320


Mosey back to tennis courts, line up on near line. Bear crawl across, crawl bear back, with exercises at each end:


Breakdancer x10

Diamond Merkin x10

Scorpion dry dock x10

LBC x10


Rep count = 360


5 double merkin burpees OYO to get us to 365 reps total

Christmas party
T-Claps (Recognition):

Hardy – no way I would’ve been getting after it at 5 something in the morning at his age.

Wallaby. Holiday season. Oboe’s father in law.