Not Shoulder Friendly

YHC arrived not sure what to expect in terms of numbers for this morning’s workout. Lots of guys tapering for HSHM, runners coming out of Richmond, and recovering from Ruck. YHC did a lone EC run for 2 miles. Weather wasn’t optimal either. No mumble chatter on Slack or FB about the workout. However, 14 Pax fought the fartsack and won, became stronger, and learned about the F3 mission and core principals.

EC: Skidmark

FNGs: None
Warm Up: 1 lap around the soccer field. Circle up on the tennis courts for SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, and Fazio Arm Circles.
The Workout: Mosey to the pavillion for some plank shuffle to the left up and down the picnic tables for one loop. Then Reverse.

Mosey to the Rock Pile. 11’s in the parking lot with Ground Pounders and Burpees. Carry the rock on the run. Intermittent switching of rocks as well

Mosey back to the Pavillion for two sets of split squats.

Mary: 1o minutes in plank hold with some exercises including merkins, 1 arm up, pickle pounders, and peter parkers. YHC also reviewed the core principals and F3 mission while in plank.

Announcements: CSAUP Dec 7, Christmas Party Dec 14. HSHM this weekend. Get out and run in the 6 up the ramp.

T-Claps (Recognition): Nice to see Moby out this morning

Prayer: Quiver and his family. Be better leaders in the community.