Lipstick Delegation Tour Day 2

EC: Moby, Blue Hen, Flannigan, Brony, Alpine
Warm Up: Mosey around the lot and back to the side lot

SSH x50

Daisy Pickers x15

FAC x15 fwd & rev

Overhead Claps x15

Seal Claps x15

Pax was informed about Delegation week and YHC delegated 20min to Pikachu -Not my best idea 🙂
The Workout:

Mosey to the brick pile, which is now located in the woods behind the track

Bear Crawl Jack Web Hallelujah’s 1:3 ratio and we made it to 5 with the bricks in our hands for bear crawl/crawl bear and Hallelujah’s and the Merkins….

Mosey to the Playground and pair up. Partner 1 Pull Ups x10, Partner 2 People’s Chair with Bricks on legs. Repeat 2x

BTW x25 with Bricks in hands

YHC took back over and we mosey the bricks back to the woods

Mosey to straightaway on side of building for Stack-em Up Peeping Lipsticks . Picked out 5 locations before the gate and did 2x Peeping Lipstick increments until x10 at the gate. Round 2 we swapped Peeping Lipstick’s for Merkins. Thanks to Slide Rule for completing round 1 first and allowing the PAX to do merkins instead of Peeping Lipstick’s for round 2.

Chill Cut for six and Pickle Pounders x20

Mary: Low Slow Flutters x20, American Hammers x20, LBC’s x44
Announcements: Frosty Dec. 7 Shirt orders by 11/20 Tomorrow!
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Quiver’s Family, Pax running this weekend