Jump Around!

EC: 187, Axe, Skidmark

FNGs: Nope
Warm Up: Today was a Jump Rope theme. Each PAX was a handed a JR for the workout and we began…

Ran to bank parking lot circled up


SSH -x20


GM – x10

FAC – x10


Seal Claps -x10



The Workout: Mosey to loading dock and divided into 2 groups

Group 1 JR – OYO/ Group 2 BTTW x10 rinse/repeat

Group 1 People’s chair/ Group 2 each PAX picked up a 25 or 35 lb dumbbell and ran with it around jiffy lube. Rinse/repeat

Group 1 Hold plank/ Group 2 jog around jiffy lube no dumbbells rinse/repeat

Group 1 curls for girls with dumbells /Group 2 JR rinse/repeat

Mosey to hill for 7’s

Merkins at the bottom JR and the top

Head over to GCF parking lot for leg and core burn out with scooters.

Group 1 ran around jiffy lube/ group 2 rode scooter push or pull

Group 1 plank hold/ group 2 crab walk with feet on scooter

Group 1 JR/ group 2 seal crawl with feet on scooter

Around the world:

Pax huddled in a circle in crab walking position. We passed scooter to one another with feet only staying on position. switch/reverse

repeat in plank position and pass scooter with feet
Mary:LBC x20

Low slow flutter x20

Homer to Marge -x20
Announcements: HSHM this weekend. If you are not running come out and support
T-Claps (Recognition): Skidmark and all those who ran in Richmond this past weekend
Prayer: Quiver and his family