Arms Up!
10 Pax today at Purple Cobra. Thanks for the strong effort Men.
FNGs: None
EC: Warbucks, Emeril, Dawgound, Axe, 187
Warm Up: Lap, 10 burpees OYO, merkins X 10, SSH x 30, windmill x 10, good mornings x 10
The Workout:
Hallelujah Indian Run around shopping center x 2.
Gathered at loading docks for balls to the wall and peoples chair (10 count each Pax) x 2.
Grabbed rock(s) and moseyed to hill across the parking lot for 40’s. Start at bottom of hill run to top, repeat. Exercises were curls for the girls and tricep extensions.
Moseyed back to loading dock and dropped off rocks. 1 burpees OYO.
Hallelujah Indian Run around shopping center x 2.
Mary: Merkins x 10, LBCs x 50 (in cadence), Merkins x 10, low slow flutters x 10 (in cadence)
Announcements: M4L is taking up shoe donations for Healing Transitions. Veterans Day is Monday. See a Vet, thank a Vet.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: YHC took us out.