South Wakes first ever Slaughter Starter?

YHC’s first time Q’ing at Nutcracker. For the special occasion I dug into the exicon for some new exercises. Had 8 show up for the fun. Thanks for the strong work, Men!

EC: The Natural, Alpine

FNGs: Nope

Warm Up: Started with two laps around parking lot. During laps we did some side shuffles and ran backwards. PAX circled up the following exercises: 20 burpess OYO, windmills, daisy pickers, good mornings, toe touch (10 count x 2).

The Workout: Mosey to track behind school for the 4 corners, where PAX completed a round of various exercises at the four “corners” of the track. In between exercises, PAX got in line for Indian Runs for a full 1.25 lap to the next station. The following exercises were completed at the corners:

Happy Jacks (5 SSH x 2 Squat Jumps) x 10 rounds

Iron Hulks (Merkins:Airpress (1:5) – Total 6 merkins: 30 Airpress

Monkey Humpers x 50 in cadence

Hurpees (hand release burpees) x 5

Peeping Lipstick (Turkish get-up with star jump at top) x 5 each side

Merkin into sideplank x 8 each side

Curtsy Lunges x 15 each leg

Iron Hulks (Merkins:Airpress (1:5) – Total 6 merkins: 30 Airpress

Mary: LBCs X 50 in cadence

Announcements: Slide Rule looking to start Bible Study in the new year. More details to follow.

T-Claps (Recognition): All PAX for a strong effort this morning.

Prayer: The Naturals brother (foot surgery)