Kryptonite-esque Monday Morning

YHC preblasted the night before to warn PAX that today would be a high tempo style bootcamp with around 3 miles of running.  I don’t know if it was that, a little Q sheet discrepancy, or a combination of both, that led to a typical PC workout to have lower than expected numbers.  There was no flag, no site Qs, and no PAX from Woodcreek 🙁

3 Mile EC was done by Warbucks, Maybelline, and YHC.
2 Mile EC was done by Dawgpound, Buford and Cowboy.

FNGs: none
Warm Up: Mosey up the ramp to the top by the ticket counter.  Circle up for the following:
Good Mornings ICx10
Frankenstein Leg Kicks ICx10
Seal Claps ICx10

The Workout: Partner up based on speed. Partners started running in opposite directions until they met up.  When they did meet, 5 pattie cake merkins were performed.  Then turn back and run in the opposite direction until meeting up again with said partner.  This was done until there was a total of 10 meetings.  Some of the PAX that finished early did a few core style exercises near the ticket counter area until the 6 arrived.
Mosey down the ramp and over to the tunnel.  Partner 1 did BTTW while Partner 2 ran to the end of the path and back, flapjack.  Then People’s Chair was performed while the other partner ran to the end of the path and back, flapjack.  Mosey over to the basketball court / “virtual flag” area.

Mary: Circle up at the basketball court.  Each PAX called out a 10 count exercise.  Except for Lucky Charms who called 5 Burpees OYO which led YHC to conclude with 10 Turkish Getups OYO.
Announcements: We are about a month out from HSHM.  This was most likely YHC’s final Q in South Wake.
T-Claps (Recognition): Maybelline getting faster and stronger post injury
Prayer: Unspoken, YHC took us out

Truly an honor to lead – thanks guys for coming!