Mondays, the sooner you start Mondays, the quicker its over.


Ahh another Monday, Got even earlier so I rolled into Downtown Train at 5:08, did not post about EC because it’s not something I have been doing so I was as not sure if I could make it. Was the only car in the lot that was not a town holly springs car, so I grabbed the shiny new nox vest and took off for a slow jog to womble and back. Saw a few more cars when I arrived, (Abe and 3rd Cousin) and Oboe pulled in shortly after.

FNGs: None
EC: YHC (Still hate running UTI)
Warm Up: Mosey to Libray and back, 15 SSH, 15 Imperial Walkers, 15 Hillbillys, 10 Sir Fazio forward and backward, 10 Good Mornings
The Workout: Mosey’d to the lower level of the parking deck.
       Thang 1:
50  lBc’s
100 Overhead Claps
150 Merkins
200 Big Boy Situps
250 Squats
If I do this again, will probably switch the sit-ups and lBc’s… my abs still hurt.  With that done decided we should do some Erkins and Dips

       Thang 2: 10 Erkins, 15 Dips Repoato Twice, we then mosey back to the flag for some quick broga, Sun Salutation, to Warrior and back.

Mary:  Various exercises were called by the pax and YHC including American Hammers, Freddy Mercuries, Pickle Pounders, Homer to Marge
Announcements:  None
Prayer: Oboe and YHC as our company transitions to new ownership, F3 Cape Fear on the Loss of a Pax, and Continued recovery for the people down east still recovering from Florence.

     Count-a-rama:  4
     Name-a-rama: 3 Meh 1 Respect

TClaps:  Oboe for gutting it out with Breathtaker

NMS: As always a pleasure to lead, small groups or large, it is great to be amount all of you.