Where’s LED? I mean Cupid? Ah hell. I got this Q



PAX of 9 (+ 2 runners who joined us for COT) at Paradise City waited on our Q to show up. Expectations were @LED would be leading us.  Apparetnly there was a communication mix-up and @Cupid was actually supposed to run PC.   Regardless neither of them showed up so YHC took it upon himself to lead his favorite AO.  The PAX knew there would be running involved and they weren’t disappointed as we logged 3 miles doing the Nickel challenge.  Snap won with 6 repetitions.  Lucky tacked on 5.

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Jog around the soccer fields.  SSH, Good Mornings, Windmills

The Workout: Nickels:  5 burpees at bottom of the ramp.  Run to corner near tennis courts.   x5 deconstructed merkins (5 wide, 5 normal, 5 close).  Run back to ramp. Rinse and repeat as many times as you can.

Mary: 5 Burpees for Seabreeze being tardy.   Some Core and Stretching work

Announcements: See Slack

T-Claps (Recognition): N/A

Prayer: Dumbo took us out