Pterodactyl Mating Call?

EC: H1N1, Messi, Fonzie, LED, 16-Bit

FNGs: None

Warm Up: 9- PAX ; Lap around parking lot with Carioca, High Knees, Butt Kickers.  Circled up for Good Mornings, Cotton Pickers,  SSH, FAC’s (fwd/rev), Arm Stretches

The Workout: Today is YHC’s last day at 36 yrs old so a little Pre-Bday beat down was due…so the theme was 36 or a variation of.  First off we started with a modified 11’s (I called it 3’s & 6’s/6’s & 3’s)…PAX lined up on one end of parking lot, ran/jogged to halfway, dropped for 3 merkins and up for 6 Bobby Hurley’s, ran back to start, dropped for 6 merkins and up for 3 Bobby Hurley’s…we did this 8 times so you end up with 36 merkins/36 Bobby Hurley’s and out of breath; that humidity was something serious.  While we are trying to remember what number/exercise we were on there was this prehistoric squawking close by, PAX were concerned but pressed on, she must have seen the sweat ground beasts and moved on.

Next we got back to the start line after a 10 count and began and Alligator March…YHC saw and Alligator Merkin so I incorporated this into a March or Crawl.  Down in plank, begin crawling like an Alligator while performing Alligator Merkin (off angle Merkin)…pain and displease ensued and we ended up move a few more paces in between Merkins to other end of parking lot/trash can.  Lots of mumble chatter afterwards…sounds like a new trick in the bag.

Another 10 count to catch breath (man the air was thick) and on to the next, Paula Abdul (2 steps forward, 1 step back).  PAX lined up on parking space line, Lunge two parking spaces, jog/walk backwards one space back, down to 1 Burpee; Lunge two parking spaces, jog/walk backwards one space back, down to 2 Burpees; continue this theme until you reach 8 Burpees…this will equal 36 Burpees when complete.  Impressed with PAX determination to complete this…heart rates were up!

10 count again, man it was swampy…PAX lined up single file for a modified Indian Run leaving about 7 ft between, this was so we could plank hold while last PAX runs to front, continue until first is last, repeat but with Plank Jacks, then repeat again but with Mountain Climbers…then we stood up, turned 180 degrees and rinse/repeat…shoulders were toast.

Mary: On your six, 6in hold (10 count), low slow flutter (10 count), WWII – 16 ; finish with 36…HAND!

Announcements: JoCo Convergence, F3 SouthWake picnic, Beater Bday Q tomorrow at Possum Trot

T-Claps (Recognition): 16-Bit with Breathtaker, killing it!  Messi taking us out!

Prayer: Noah Ark’s wife, 16-Bit for job clarity, injured PAX