Rocks and Donkeys

13 PAX overcame the fartsack and posted at Purple Cobra this AM with 5 for EC. It was a pleasure leading this morning!

EC: Axe, Full House, Redenbacher, Teacher’s Pet, Warbucks

FNGs: Not this time

Warm Up:
5 penalty burpees for a slow circle up. It was extended as New Mexico took his time joining the circle.
SSH x20 IC
Imperial Walker x10 CI
Hillbilly x10 CI
We are not worthy x10 IC
Morrocan night club x10 IC

The Workout:
2 line indian run around Harris Teeter over to loading dock with Pax grabbing 2 rocks along the say. Flair found the biggest rocks in the pile and this led to some grumbling as we were sharing rocks.

Thing 1 – Circle of pain:
Pax circled up and performed exercises x12 IC. After exercise, plank shuffle to next rock and perform merkins, increasing each stop up to 8. Exercises were:
Dodo bird (no history lesson from 187 this week)
Shoulder Press
Ground pounder
Wonder bra
Bus driver
LBCs (just for you Dumbo)

After round 1, a recovery mosey around the Goodwill parking lot and back to our rocks for round 2. Pretty much a rinse and repeat with merkins counting down from 8 this round. New Mexico was overheard asking for a running workout, so over to Lassiter Rd for some leg and hill work.

Thing 2 – Hills and Donkeys
Mosey to bottom of Lassiter Rd hill and partner up. Partner 1 does Donkey Hydrants at bottom while partner 2 runs to guardrail for x3 per leg pistol squats and runs back. Partner switch. Once both partners completed 1 round, both run to guardrail for x10 cliffhanger merkins.
Rinse and repeat for a second round. Mosey back to the flag for Mary.

She wasn’t here, but we found Dolly and Marge.

6” hold for the 6
Hello Dolly x20 IC
Homer to Marge x10 IC, x5 Right, x5 Left
LBCs x20 IC
Hello Dolly x10
Homer to Marge x10

Mudgear order – see slack #southwake-gear channel.
Sign up to Q. #QSheet
Go to a Healing Transitions workout. Tuesday 0530 or Friday 1430
187 is collecting F3 testimonies for an article in Suburban Living magazine. If you have something to share about what F3 means to you, send it by this Sunday, 8/4 to 187.
VQ at the Cobra next week!

T-Claps (Recognition):
Full House with Breathtaker.
Full House and Redenbacher for commiting to VQ’s in the near future.

Wallaby’s broken foot, Full House’ co-worker’s Father passed away quickly, Injured Pax

YHC took us out.