He Does Have a Whistle

6 Pax at R4TJ, 7 if count Nemo out for run early this morning. YHC planned about an hour long workout and as promised brought his whistle, and no it did not come from Play It Again Sports. 5 Pax circled and got ready to mosey when a black Silverado come rolling in HOT!! Pax did SSH until Lipstick joined us, and he didn’t appear to be in any hurry once he got out of the truck.

FNGs: None today
Warm Up: 3 man Indian Runs to the traffic light and back to warm-up the legs.
The Workout: Today’s focus was tempo runs. Pax would start out at a 5K-10K pace for a certain amount of time, Q would blow the whistle and Pax would slow to recovery pace. Faster Pax would turn back for the 6. The recovery period was an allotted time or the time it took to pick up the 6, whichever was longer. Workout went as follows:

3 min hard run – 1 min recovery

3 min hard run – 1 min recovery

3 min hard run – 1 min recovery

3 min hard run – 1 min recovery

3 min hard run – 1 min recovery

4 min hard run – 2 min recovery

2 min hard run.

Pax met at the top of the ramp. Pax did sprints down the ramp all the way to the stop sign and recover jog up the hill to the top. Pax did squat hold until the 6 got there and then all Pax did 10 squats. Rinse and repeat 4x.

Finished off with a 6 man Indian Run to the traffic light and back to the vehicles for Mary.

Mary: Runner’s pose, pigeon pose, pretzel pose

Announcements: BRR training day Saturday, Sasquatch Saturday

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Being better leaders in the community. Lipstick’s flexibility