Milli Vanilli’s Greatest Hits

Warm Up

Warm up consisted of good mornings, 36 SSH for 36 months of F3 for me, daisy pickers, imperial walkers, hill billy’s, merkins and Michael Phelps


The Workout – My Greatest (aka: favorite exercises)

  • John Cusack with rocks to the abyss
  • Circle up for curls for the girls than wheel barrel up the stairs, Spiderman down the ramp and run back to the abyss to repeat with other partner
  • Back to rock circle for ruh rohs than sprint up grass hill for type writers followed by returning to the abyss
  • Triceps extensions with the rocks and John Cusack back to parking lot for some barely curling
  • Circle up for some Jack Webs with rocks
  • Return the rocks and run to the tennis courts for Mary


Freddy Murcury’s

Low, slow flutter


Homer to Marg

Have a nice day



Refer to Slack and July 4th convergence at 6:30 am at Womble


Prayer Request

Warchild and his family, Gilligan from F3 Carterico who is having complications from heart valve replacement and continued prayers for Crab Legs