Midget who?
solid 13 PAX turned up for a sweet hot and sticky evening Thunder work out.
Warm Up: mosey to rock pile, 20 Cadence side straggled hop, 15 Cadence daisy pickers.
Grab a rock and mosey to picnic shelter.
Card Value = Rep, FACE CARDS = 10, Ace = 15, 2 x Jokers = 10 double merkin burpees.
Full Deck Completed = 99 Reps of each exercise….
Hearts – Mountain Climbers Cadence
Diamonds – what else…..diamond Merkins…
Spades – Peoples Chair & Wonder Bra with rocks
Clubs – Balls
Mary: mosey to rock pile… one arm pickle pounder with other arm holding rock on back (10 Cadence each arm)
mosey to tennis courts..
20 Cadence Box Cutters
10 Left, 10 Right Straight Pretzels
10 Left, 10 Right Cadence Toe Taps
20 Cadence American Hammers
Announcements: Holly Springs Police Torch Run – 0715 25th May, Memorial Murph 0700 Womble… Bender Street first full set Lincoln May 19th…forgot the rest….
T-Claps (Recognition): none
Prayer: Shredder weight bearing…