Check Out That Cadence
Warm Up:
SSH x15 IC
Good morning x15 IC
Daisy pickers x15 IC
YHC asked for any other warm up request – Fazio Arm Circles were requested so we did:
Sir Fazio x15 IC forward, x15 IC backward
Keeping arms up, we moved into the squatter overhead clap x15 IC
Followed by seal claps x15 IC
Follow by chanooks x15 IC forwards and backwards
The Workout:
Mosey to a small wall:
Single leg get ups from sitting position – x10 each leg
Step ups x10 IC each leg
Box jumps x10
Step ups alternating x20
The dip x20 IC
Irkins x15 IC
Dirkins x15 IC
Pull ups (on the playground) x10
Mosey to the parking lot for build a bears:
From the end of a parking lot line bear crawl to the end of the line, 1 merkin, side bear crawl, another merkin, and then crawl bear back. Repeat with 2 merkins and 3 merkins at the corners for each subsequent iteration.
We then switched to the build a crab – same setup with crab walk and crab cakes at the corners. Done for 1 and 2 reps.
Mosey to the rock pile – get rocks and rotate based on questionable math tactics from YHC:
Groundpounder x15 IC
Curls x15 IC
Overhead press x15 IC
Tricep extension x15 IC
Ru’roh x15 IC
Groundpounder x15 IC
Mosey to the parking lot to observe/heckle the Run the Springs racers coming through any minute and to give them a show……
Pickle Pounder x10 IC
Captain thors (1:4 WW1 to American Hammer) up to 5
Side planks x10IC each side
See interwebs
T-Claps (Recognition):
Peak Week getting the jump on breathtaker today
LED & YHC doubling down
Shredder & Crab Legs
Forceps home situation
Always and honor and privilege men – thank you