Crippled Q
Welcome Foghorn – virgin to GP. Lots of mumble chatter with sexual innuendos today as we worked out – guess there is lots of excitement about Valentines day.
Warm up
10’s – Good Mornings, Fuzzy Arm Circles, Daisy Pickers, Emperial Walkers, Hillbillies and Windmills. Stretch it out with Pigeon Pose.
30 Prisoner Squats.
Mosey to the Bathrooms
4 Sets of Wall Sits 10 ct down the line
4 sets of Balls to the Walls 10 ct down the line
30 Squats
The Workout
Mosey to the Rock Pile – rotate rocks between sets. Pumpkin Spice decided to grab Texas which was a beast of a rock- Thanks Pumpkin.
- 4 sets of 20’s – Curls for the girls
- 4 sets of 20’s – Overhead Tri-press
- 4 sets of 20’s – Ground Pounders
- 4 sets 10’s Windshield Wipers
- 4 sets 10’s of Rockies
- 4 sets of 20’s Bench Press
- 2 sets 30ct 6 inches
- 20 LBC’s
- 10 WWII’s
- In preparation for Valentine’s day: 10 ct Homer to Marge left leg up then right leg up, 20 standard H2Ms, 30 ct Chillcut Planks and 2 set of 20ct Pickle Pounders.
- 20 Standard Merkins, 10 Wide Grip Merkins, 10 Hand Release Merkins, 20ct Supermans
- On your knees to finish off with 3 sets of 20 Overhead Press + 20 Curls. If the M asks why your knees are so dirty, just tell her that’s just part of F3.
30 Al Gore Squats
Throw Rocks back to pile and circle up for COT
Announcements: Pumpkin’s M is conducting a talk with 25 pastor’s wives about sex today. Lucky man Pumpin. 4th Annual F3 CSAUP at ATT today.
Prayer Requests: Pumpkin Spice is experiencing constant ringing in his ears and may need hearing aids, Dauber’s Daughter is running 4X8 at States today at noon. Forceps asking for continued prayers for his marriage.
Forceps took us out