It’s a Long Road Ahead


So, after 2 years of being with F3 I finally got the balls to lead a workout. Thanks, Double D for going on vacation and giving me a chance to lead the men through the grind.

Warm Up:

Jog around the tennis court

15 Side Straddle Hop

15 Hillbillies

15 Imperial Walkers

10 Fozzy Arm Circles Regular

10 Fozzy Arm Circles Reverse

10 Good Mornings

10 Copperhead Squat


The Thang: Ten station workout all the way down the Possum Trot road

Station 1              Burpee x 10

Station 2              Rock Curls x 20

Station 3              Merkins x 15

Station 4              American Hammer with Rocks x 20

Station 5              Bobby Hurley x 20

Station 6              World War II x 20

Station 7              Plank Jacks x 20

Station 8              Morning Wood 10 Left / 10 Right

Station 9              Mountain Climbers x 20

Station 10            Monkey Humpers x 20

Sprint Back to the start (Station 1)

THANG ROUND 2 with adding 5 more reps to each station

No Man was left behind!!!!! Everyone picked up the six!


10 Donkey Kicks

15 count – People’s Chair arms out

10 count – Balls to Wall

15 count – People’s Chair arms up


20 LBCs (I know we only had time for 1)


Prayer Request – Pikachu has a job interview and pray for F3 vets to get back out. Let’s reach back out to the guys and get them back in the grind.