Parking lot Heavy Weights
16 posted @ the Possum Trot in the heat & humidity of another hot Carolina morning in June.
Warm up: Q led by Farva for SSH, IW, Hillbillies, G-mornings, Fazios all IC
The Workout: Pax lined up for a 1-2 count off then bear crawled to their respective pain stations at opposite ends of parking lot. Before YHC could lead the Pax in a 10 count of merkins, Pikachu jumped the gun causing a penalty thereby leading to 20 merkins. Upon bear crawling to each groups pain stations, Pax each proceeded to carry or flip tires to opposite end of parking lot. Stations consisted of farmers carry of 2 40lb water jugs, 2 40lb cinder blocks, flanked and rolled 3″ fire hose, 40lb barbell, large flippin’ tire, medium flippin’ tire, 2 shoulder carry tires, pallet, and slosh pipe. Pax without weights to move stayed back and completed merkins & LBC’s waiting for their turn. Upon reaching end of parking lot Pax bear crawled large hill to complete 20 count of Irkins, Derkins, dips on the guard rail the crawl bear back down hill. Rinse & repeat x 2. After 2 completed hill climbs of the above, the remaining time was used to continue moving weights back and forth across parking lot. The Pax held various forms of plank waiting on the six. Upon finishing, YHC called for a sprint from opposite end of parking lot to the base of hill for another round of Irkins, Derkins, & dips at the top. Since Pikachu had found fault with YHC’s earlier merkin count of 10 it was decided to rinse and repeat the hill work once again! Mosey on over to tennis courts for Mary.
Mary: Farva & YHC decided together to call out a Pax who had never led Mary. Noah’s Ark raised his hand and took center court like a pro leading us in 20 modified Freddy Mercurys IC, followed by 10 Pickle Pounders and 20 WWII’s.
Announcements: Upcoming July 4th 1776 convergence at Womble, up and coming AO for Yoga and Kenny’s Graveyard, and Wake County finally approved the South Wake Park project coming to Crooked Creek.
Prayer requests: Crablegs to have continued strength
COT: YHC shared the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have done unto you and what that looks like when we all encounter less than desirable situations involving people including family that say or do things that hurt us or rub us the wrong way. React in a way that will demonstrate the love and kindness of Christ in the situations. Noah’s Ark and YHC shared a short testimony how easily we can become agitated and react with the wrong attitude. Let this not be said of us F3 men. YHC led us out in prayer.