Ultimate beat down at Thunder

12 Pax gathered at Thunder for what was promised to be an Ultimate (frisbee) beat down. We moseyed over to the turf fields to mark off a field with some cones and do a few warm up exercises:

10x SSH IC

10x Fazio Arm Circles IC, both directions

The pax were conveniently wearing 6 red shirts and 6 non-red shirts, so no skins were needed. Teams were made and we were off.

Rules were simple, any time the disc hit the ground (after kickoff) all Pax had to perform 3 Merkins before they could do anything else. When a team scored the scoring team/Pax called out an exercise for 10 reps, following which the team that was scored on walked to the other side and play resumed with a “kick” off. After a close game (red won 6-5) we wrapped up with some Mary:

Low slow flutter x10 IC

Standard Merkin (on my down and my up) x7 to get us to our 167 target for the day.

Announcements – Day in the park, July 4th convergence.

Prayers – Shredder with praise for support for mission trip.

Shredder took us out – great work (and tons of fun) men!